Представь что скоро у тебя день рождения напиши своему другу…

nesui 07 сентября 2023

Представь что скоро у тебя день рождения напиши своему другу приглашение дату время программу что будете делать 70-80 слов

категория: английский язык


Hello! I would like to invite you to his birthday party! Come to my house on March 17th at 15:00! There will be a lot of fun! We will eat, play, dance, sing, and go for a walk! Let's go to the mall, to the park, in a cafe.There will be a lot of friends! When we get home will be fun and exciting contests! We have a great time! Здравствуй! Хочу пригласить тебя на свой день рождения! Приходи ко мне домой 17 марта в 15:00! Будет очень весело! Мы будем кушать, играть, танцевать, петь и пойдем гулять! Пойдем в развлекательный центр, в парк, в кафе. Будет много друзей! Когда вернемся домой будут веселые и интересные конкурсы! Мы прекрасно проведем время!

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07 сентября 2023
Упр.1. Перепишите следующий текст в про шедшем времени Past Simple (что рассказала мама).On Tuesday I get up at half past six. I go to the bathroom and wash my hands and face and clean my teeth. Then I dress, go to the kitchen and cook breakfast for my family. At half past seven my son gets up and has breakfast. I have breakfast with my son. My son eats a sandwich and drinks a cup of tea. I don't drink tea. I drink coffee. After Breakfast my son leaves home for school. I don't leave home with my son. On Tuesday I don't work in the morning. I work in the afternoon. In the evening I am at home. My husband and my son are at home, too. We rest in the evening. My son watch es TV, my husband reads newspapers and I do some wrork about the house. At about eleven o'clock we I go to bed. Упр. 2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла голы в Present или Past Simple. 1. I (to go) to bed at ten o'clock every day. 2. I (to go) to bed at ten o'clock yesterday. 3. My brother (to wash) his face every morning. 4. Yesterday he (to wash) his face at a quarter past seven. 5. I (not to have) history lessons every day. 6. We (not to rest) yesterday. 7. My brother (not to drink) cof fee yesterday. 8. My mother always (to take) a bus to get to work, but yesterday she (not to take) a bus. Yesterday she (to walk) to her office. 9. You (to talk) to the members of your family every day? — Yes, I … . But yesterday I (not to talk) to them: I (to be) very busy yesterday. 10. You (to come) home at six o'clock yesterday? — - No, I … . Yes terday I (to come) home from school at half past eight. I (to be) very tired. I (to have) dinner with my family. After dinner I (to be) very thirsty. I (to drink) two cups of tea. Then I (to rest). 11. Your sister (to go) to school every day? — - Yes, she … .

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