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avenit 13 октября 2023

Прочитайте 2 текста и запишите к ним вопросы, используя оборот there+to be. Donna Walton Donna's an English teacher. She's not rich andshe's not famous. Her house is small and there's no pool. There are three bedrooms in the house. Donna's car is old. It's slow and uncomfortable. There's no radio or cassette player in her car. There's an engine, a steering wheel, and there are four wheels and two doors. Donna isn't happy. She'd like a big house, a new car and a lot of money.

категория: английский язык


Is there a swimming pool in Donna's house (Zack's house)? How many bedrooms are there in Donna's/Zack's house? What is there in Donna's/Zack's car? is there an engine in Zack's car? Are there 4 or 2 doors in Donna's car? how many weels are there in Donna's car?

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