Проект на тему моя любимая книга по английскому языку

abramovich 22 сентября 2023

Проект на тему моя любимая книга по английскому языку

категория: английский язык


Home Night", published in 2000, is one of my favourite novels. It was written by remarkable authors, Filin Kristina and her daughter Kristin Kast. They are outstanding, creative, imaginative writers, who use their imagination to write "Home Night". The book is full of mystery and suspense.It is set in a city school. This story is about sixteen- year-old Zoi Redberd. Zoi`s father died and her mother married John. He did not like Zoi. Only one person in her family liked her. It was her grandmother. She helped Zoi.When Zoi studied in nine classes she was made a vampire. She movedto Home Night, a school for vampires. Stivi Rey, Dem`en, Shoni, Erin were her new friends. They endured many dangerous and sad events together. But book has a happy end."Home Night" is an outstanding teenager`s fantasy story. Once I picked up this book…

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