Прошу, помогите, очень надо, долезав на сделать!

abubl 23 сентября 2023

Прошу, помогите, очень надо, долезав на сделать! Advisers and other interested in the make-up of society occasionally use the term ‘Generation X’ to (1) ________ a certain section of the population. There (2) ____________ no strict definition for the term, but it usually (3) ___________ to those people born between 1964 and 1981. This is the generation (4) _________ parents were born at the end of or (5) _____________ the Second World War. In America and Europe, the 1960s was a decade of big dreams. People believed that they could change the world for the better and that global problems could (6) ______________ through understanding and a belief in peace. However, during the 1970s many people began to realize that things were much more complicated than that. Children (7) _______________ up in the 70s and 80s saw that their parents’ ideals had failed. Divorce rates rose rapidly and many Generation Xers experienced the splitting up of their family. They blamed their parents (8) ____________ industrial, social and economic problems and had no ideals of their own to rely on. Of course, this image of a Generation Xer is a stereotype. Not all people born into that generation are the same. However, it does seem possible to pick out a few features characteristic of them. One is a certain (9) _________ to work. Generation Xers are likely to have spent some time doing a low-paid job, such as working in a fast food restaurant, and many have had a number of different jobs. They probably prefer to work on their own from home or (10) _____________ a risk and set up their own business, rather than work for a large company. They are more likely to (11) ______________ divorced, although they are also more likely to say that they (12) ______________ marriage seriously. Generation Xers are likely to be cynical when it comes to politics. Generation X is also the generation that has seen technology become a big part of their lives and they are likely to be quite comfortable with using computers and the Internet. 1. a) tell b) say c) talk d) describe 2. a) be b) is c) are d) have been 3. a) discusses b) refers c) mentions d) means 4. a) who b) which c) whose d) how 5. a) during b) between c) while d) whenever 6. a) solve b) solved c) be solved d) were solved 7. a) growing b) turning c) bringing d) getting 8. a) in b) for c) as d) because 9. a) behaviour b) attitude c) mood d) impression 10. a) take b) catch c) gain d) carry 11. a) turn b) come c) get d) go 12. a) have b) take c) bring d) hold

категория: английский язык


1 d 2 b 3 b 4 c 5 a 6 c 7 a 8 b 9 b 10 a 11 c 12 b

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22 сентября 2023
1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of do, be, or have. Example Has she found a new job yet? 1 What sort of music __________ you like? 2__________ she work in the centre of London? 3 When __________ you born? 4 I __________ been waiting for hours. 5 English __________ spoken all over the world. 6 We were tired so we __________ go out last night. 7 I __________ going on holiday next month. 8 __________ he ever been to China? 9 I saw your brother this morning. Where __________ he going? 10 We want to buy a car but we __________ saved enough yet. (1 point for each correct answer) н (т (10 points) 321Circle the correct form of the verb in each sentence. Example I’m not liking/ I don’t like tennis very much. 1 We have/We’re having a house near the beach. 2 Do you know/Are you knowing what’s happening? 3 I used to love basketball but I think I’m preferring/ I prefer volleyball now. 4 I don’t enjoy/I’m not enjoying cooking very much. 5 They paid for the car so it is belonging/it belongs to them now. 6 He’s thinking/He thinks that school is boring. 7 Do you see/Are you seeing my problem? 8 She thinks/She’s thinking of going to university. 9 I’m feeling tired so I think I’m deserving/I deserve a holiday. 10 Those clothes are looking/look great on you! (1 point for each correct answer) 011 (10 points) 3.Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the Past Simple or the Past Continuous. Example While I was listening (listen) to the radio, the telephone rang (ring). 1 He __________ (break) his leg when he __________ (ski) in the Alps. 2 We __________ (see) an accident while we __________ (wait) for the bus. 3 While she __________ (prepare) lunch, she __________ (cut) herself. 4 Which countries _______ they _______ (visit) when they __________ (travel) round the world? 5 _______ you _______ (work) in the garden when I __________ (come) to the house? 6 They __________ (live) in Canada when they __________ (meet) each other. (4 points for each correct answer) 24 (25 points) 4. Write the statements (a) in the negative, (b) as questions, and (c) in the past. Example We can take photos in the church. a We can’t take photos in the church. b Can we take photos in the church? c We could take photos in the church. 1 We have to leave early. a _______________________________________ . b _______________________________________? c _______________________________________ . 2 He has to work at weekends. a _______________________________________ . b _______________________________________? c _______________________________________ . 3 She can stay out after midnight. a _______________________________________ . b _______________________________________? c _______________________________________ . 4 They’re allowed to get up late on Saturdays. a _______________________________________ . b _______________________________________? c _______________________________________ . (3 points for each correct answer) (15 points) 5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of must or have to. Example We must have a party soon. 1 It’s my Dad’s birthday next week. I __________ buy him a present. 2 All my clothes are too small for me. I __________ lose some weight. 3 My doctor is worried about my weight. She says I __________ go on a diet. 4 _______ you _______ travel abroad in your job? 5 I’m sorry I couldn’t come to your party. I __________ work late. 6 We need to save some money. We __________ have any more expensive meals in restaurants. (2 points for each correct answer) (12 points) 6. Write the nouns. Example behave behaviour 1 admire __________ 4 offensive __________ 2 arrange __________ 5 feel __________ 3 high __________ (1 point for each correct answer) 5 (8 points) 7. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. Example They flew (fly) to Barcelona last week. A funny thing happened to me the other day. I (1) ________ (be) in a hurry to get to work and I found that my car wasn’t working. I (2) ________ (have to) rush out of the house to catch the bus. While I (3) ________ (walk) along the street, I (4) ________ (notice) a woman of about my age on the opposite side of the road. I looked at her again and I (5) ________ (realize) that we (6) ________ (meet) before. She arrived at the bus stop a couple of seconds after me. ‘She must be catching the bus, too,’ I thought. We (7) ________ just ________ (miss) the previous bus and we had fifteen minutes to wait before the next one. I looked at the woman behind me again and I was sure that I (8) ________ (know) her. ‘Excuse me, have we met before? I’m sure that I (9) ________ (recognize) you,’ I said. She looked a bit surprised, but she (10) ________ (tell) me that her name was Angela Barker. ‘You (11) ________ (study) history at Liverpool University’ I shouted, ‘from 1985 to 1988! ’ ‘That’s right! ’ she replied, ‘And you’re Claire …? ’ ‘Lewis. Well, my name was Lewis but I (12) ________ (be) married now. What (13) ________ you ________ (do) nowadays? ’ I asked. ‘Well, I (14) ________ (work) in the Central Museum in town and I (15) ________ (live) in this area, in George Street, for about three years,’ she replied. ‘You’re joking! I live round the corner from there. I (16) ________ (not believe) it! We (17) ________ (be) neighbours for three years and we (18) ________ never ________ (see) each other! ’ I said. ‘I know, it’s incredible! ’ she (19) ________ (agree) , ‘And I’m glad that you spoke to me because I wondered why you (20) ________ (look) at me all the time! ’ (1 point for each correct answer) (20 points)

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