ПРОШУ ПОМОЩИ: предложение: the students pass three level exams…

sskkllaadd 16 октября 2023

ПРОШУ ПОМОЩИ: предложение: the students pass three level exams, написать в 12 временах. Буду крайне благодарна.

категория: английский язык


Present The students pass three level examsThe students are passing three level exams nowThe students have already passed three level examsThe students have been passing three level exams since morningPastThe students passed three level examsThe students were passing three level exams yesterday at 10amThe students had already passed three level exams by 3pm The students had been passing three level exams for 2 hoursFutureThe students will pass three level examsThe students will be passing three level exams tomorrow at 10amThe students will have already passed three level exams by 3pmThe students will have been passing three level exams for 2 hours

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