Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form

sergey303 11 сентября 2023

Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form. Make seven questions to the text.Once upon a time there___ (live) an old woman and an old man. They_____ (have) no children. One day the old woman____ (say) ,"I___ (go) to bake a dounghnut tomorrow." She__ (go) to the kithcen and ___ (put) all the necessary things into the bowl and___ (mix) them together. After that she___ (remember) that she___ (not to put) salt in the dough. She___ (do) that and___ (put) the dough into the oven.While the doughnut___ (be) in the oven, she___ (work) in the garden. When the woman__ (open) the oven door, the doughnut___ (hop) out and___ (run) out of the house. The woman___ (run) after it, but it shoted, "Nobody___ (can) catch me."Many animals__ (try) to stop the doughnut but he___ (shout) , "I__ (stop) if you___ (catch) me."

категория: английский язык


Lived; had; said; will; went; put; mixed; remembered; had not put; did; put; was; was working; openedhopped; ran; ran; can; tried; shouted; will stop; catch

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