Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tenses

ttertrete 16 октября 2023

Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tenses.It was a clear day as I stepped on the board for the first time. I (1) … (go) down the hill and could feel the wind in my face, but I (2) … (lose) control and (3) … (slide) into the snow. What (4) … I … (do) wrong? My friend (5) … (help) me down the first hill and (6) … (explain) how to turn the board. Next moment I (7) … (go) down the hill but kept falling with every passing minute. Then I (8) … (realise) I (9) … (not turn) the board properly. I went down a little more, trying it that way.I finally (10) … (make) it. Now I needed to get on the lift. It (11) … (come) so fast that I thought it (12) … (knock) me over. But then something very strange (13) … (happen) – I found it easy to get on the lift. I felt as if I (14) … (do) it in the past life.The next day I tried again and my turns (15) … (be) better.

категория: английский язык


It was a clear day as I stepped on the board for the first time. I (1) was going down the hill and could feel the wind in my face, but I (2) lost control and (3) slided into the snow. What (4) had I beendoingwrong? My friend (5) helped me down the first hill and (6) explainedhow to turn the board. Next moment I (7) was going down the hillbut kept falling with every passing minute. Then I (8) realised I (9) had not been turning the board properly. I went down a little more,trying itthat way.I finally (10) made it. Now I needed to get on thelift. It (11) was coming so fast that I thought it (12) would knock me over.But then something very strange (13) happened – I found it easy toget on the lift. I felt as if I (14) had done it in the past life.The next day I tried again and my turns (15) were better.

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16 октября 2023
ПОМОГИТЕ СОСТАВИТЬ 5 КОСВЕННЫХ ВОПРОСОВ, ПОЖАЛУЙСТА! -Who is this photo, Jane? -My Granny. She's widowed and lives in a home for elderly people. -Does she? I have heard that in Britain many adult children put their parents into old people's homes. -Sometimes they do. But it doesn't mean they don't care. Let's take our family, for example. After her husbund's death, Granny Molly became much more helpless. She was unable to look after herself properly so we had to put her into a home for elderly people. -Yes, but hold on. What if you bring her into your home and look after her in a proper way? Don't ypu miss seeing her every day? — I do. Well, you see, living in a home for elderly people is her own choice. Besides, my parents work, I go to school, so there is no one to look after her full-time. -Yes, but look. Do you really think she enjoys her stay there? I've been told that some of these homes are terrible! -Some of there are, but on the whole such homes are very pleasant. My Granny has her own room. She's always able to call a trained nurse if she has any difficulties. -Well, think of it this way. Families become less close when they don't take care of one another. They lose their warm relationship, don't they? -Perhaps, they do. In fact, this is a problem for many families in Britain and a great number of homes for elderly people speaks for that fact. And you don't seem to like it, do you? -No, but look at it like this. We all worry about our grandperents when they grow old, but a home for elderly people is not the best solution for the problem, is it? +-Who is this photo, Jane? -My Granny. She's widowed and lives in a home for elderly people. -Does she? I have heard that in Britain many adult children put their parents into old people's homes. -Sometimes they do. But it doesn't mean they don't care. Let's take our family, for example. After her husbund's death, Granny Molly became much more helpless. She was unable to look after herself properly so we had to put her into a home for elderly people. -Yes, but hold on. What if you bring her into your home and look after her in a proper way? Don't ypu miss seeing her every day? — I do. Well, you see, living in a home for elderly people is her own choice. Besides, my parents work, I go to school, so there is no one to look after her full-time. -Yes, but look. Do you really think she enjoys her stay there? I've been told that some of these homes are terrible! -Some of there are, but on the whole such homes are very pleasant. My Granny has her own room. She's always able to call a trained nurse if she has any difficulties. -Well, think of it this way. Families become less close when they don't take care of one another. They lose their warm relationship, don't they? -Perhaps, they do. In fact, this is a problem for many families in Britain and a great number of homes for elderly people speaks for that fact. And you don't seem to like it, do you? -No, but look at it like this. We all worry about our grandperents when they grow old, but a home for elderly people is not the best solution for the problem, is it? _____________________________________________________________________— Кто это на фотографии, Джейн? — Это моя бабушка. Она вдова и живет в доме для престарелых.109— Правда? Я слышала, что в Британии многие дети, вырастая, помещают родителей в дом для престарелых.— Иногда. Но это не значит, что им все равно. Возьмем нашу семью, например. После смерти мужа бабушка Молли стала более беспомощной. Она уже не могла хорошо о себе заботиться, поэтому мы поместили ее в дом для престарелых.— Да, но погоди. Что было бы, если бы вы ее привезли к себе домой и заботились о ней? Разве ты не скучаешь, не видя ее каждый день? — Скучаю. Ну, видишь ли. Жить а доме для престарелых — это ее собственный выбор. К тому же мои родители работают, я хожу в школу, так что приглядывать за ней все время некому.— Да, но смотри. Ты правда думаешь, что ей там нравится? Мне говорили, что некоторые из этих домов ужасны! — Некоторые, но в основном такие дома очень приятные места. У бабушки есть своя комната. Она всегда может позвонить опытной медсестре, если у нее какие-нибудь трудности.— Ну да, но подумай, семьи становятся менее сплоченными, когда члены семьи не заботятся друг о друге. Они теряют теплые от-ношения, разве нет? — Возможно. На самом деле, это проблема многих семей в Британии, и количество домов для престарелых это подтверждает. Но тебе это похоже не нравится? — Нет, но посмотри на это по-другому. Все мы волнуемся за наших дедушек и бабушек, когда они становятся старыми, но дом для престарелых — это не лучший выход, не так ли?

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