Put the verbs in brackets into Participle I or Participle II forms;…

alexcardo 15 октября 2023

Put the verbs in brackets into Participle I or Participle II forms; 1. My little brother was really (embarrass) when he was caught eating sweets.2. I think is the most (bore) thing I have ever done.3. Some people find sushi (disgust) , ofters really enjoy it.4. There is nothing to feel (excite) about. It`s not a very (interest) case.5. My mother will be (please) to receive a present from you.6. The (shock) pictures have been published in all newspapes. ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА

категория: английский язык


Participle I or Participle II forms; 1. My little brother was really (embarrassed) when he was caught eating sweets.2. I think this is the most (boring) thing I have ever done.3. Some people find sushi (disgusting) , ofters really enjoy it.4. There is nothing to feel (excited) about. It`s not a very (interesting) case.5. My mother will be (pleased) to receive a present from you.6. The (shocking) pictures have been published in all newspapes.

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