Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense and voice The houses…

xyliganka 18 сентября 2023

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense and voice The houses of parliament is the seat of the British Parliament, a great mass ofbuildings on the east bank of the Thames in London. It _______ (to build) in the 19th century after plans by sir Charles Barry. The houses of parliament________ (to include) three massive towers Victoria tower, middle tower and saint Stephen or the clock tower which _________ (to contain) a clock and a great bell, Big Ben, weighing 13,5 tons. There _______ (to be) also the house of peers, the house of commons ,the residence of the speaker, the libraries and the offices. In world war ii the buildings ____________ (to bomb) heavily and seriously ______________ (to damage).

категория: английский язык


Place verbs in brackets in the correct time and a voiceThe House of Commons and chamber of lords — a place of the British Parliament, big mass of buildings on east coast of the Thames in London. It needs to be constructed in the 19th century after plans of sir Charles Barri. The House of Commons and chamber of lords to include three massive towers Victoria's tower, an average tower and sacred Stephen or a tower with hours who contains hours and a big call, Big Ben, weighing 13,5 tons. There was also a house of peers, the Houses of Commons, residences of the speaker, libraries and offices. During World War II of the building bombed in big degree and seriously damaged.

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