Put the words in the correct order to make 1st conditionals

sergo123 22 ноября 2023

Put the words in the correct order to make 1st conditionals. Ось слова: 1) If/ he/ Albert/ will go/ can/ his/ bicycle,/ repair/ cycling. 2) by bus/ Ben/ toschool/ if/ he/ will come/ is late. 3) You/ look out/ will not see/ if/ you/ the square/ jf the window. 4) shall see/ the history museum/ old/ things/ if/ We/ is open. 5) Mary/ to the theatre/ won*t go/ cannot get/ if/ she/ a ticket.

категория: английский язык


1) If Albert can repair his bicycle he will go cycling.2) If Ben is late he will come to school by bus.3) If you look out of the window you will not see the square .4) If the history museum is open we shall see old things .5) If Mary cannot get a ticket she won*t go to the theatre.

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