put the words in the right order to make sentences…

tatse 30 октября 2023

put the words in the right order to make sentences 2.yesterday/ met / two hunters / we / in the forest 3. borrow / both / books / they / from thelibrary 4. can / seldom / see / a dingo / in a zoo / you /nowadays 5. cabbages / never / in the / garden / grow / they 6 once / little / my father / foxes / in the / forrest / saw / two 7. curious / in this museum / find / can / always / incest / you / some

категория: английский язык


1) Yesterday we met two hunters in the forest2) They both borrow books from the library3) Nowadays you can seldom see a dingo in a zoo4) Cabbages never grow in the garden5) Once my father saw two little foxes in the forest6) You can always find some curious incest in this museum

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