Раскройте скобки таким образом…

alexander-feodorov 14 октября 2023

Раскройте скобки таким образом, чтобы предложения выражали: а) реальное условие, b) нереальное условие настоящеговремени. 1. If I (to know) , I (to tell) you. 2. If she (to want) to talk she (to ring up). 3. Her health (to improve) if she (to sleep) longer. 4. If he (to have) enough money, he (to buy) a large house. 5. She (to feel) lonely if Peter (to go) out every evening. 6. We (to be) pleased to see you if you (to arrive). 7. If we (to can) come on Sunday, we (to come). 8. I (to understand) Mr. Smith if he (to speak) slowly. 9. We (not / to go) by ship unless there (to be) no other way. 10 If you (not / to give) him good meals, he (not / to be able) to work hard.

категория: английский язык


1.If I knew, I told you. (не знаю подойдет ли в Past simple) 2. If she want to talk ,she will ring up.3. Her health wil improve, if she will sleep longer 4. If he have, enough money, he will buy a large house. 5. She feels lonely if Peter goes out every evening. 6. We will be pleased to see you if you arrive. 7. If we can come on Sunday, we will come. 8. I understand Mr.Smith if he speaks slowly. 9. We don't go by ship unless there will be no other way. 10 If you don't give him good meals, he won't be able to work hard.

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