Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной видо-временной форме

miboil 20 сентября 2023

Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной видо-временной форме. 1. She (lay) the table by 2 o` clocl yesterday. 2. My father (read) the newspaperin the evening yesterday. 3. They (arrive) in Washington at 5 p.m. tomorrow. 4. It often (rain) in this part of the world. 5. Run downstairs. Your sister (wait) for you. 6. Last year they (go) to the camp. 7. She (draw) for an hour already when her brother rang. 8. By the end of the next year Dan (live) in their house for two years. 9. He (not receive) any letters from her this week. 10. They (wait) for you for half an hour.

категория: английский язык


1. She had laid the table by 2 o’clock yesterday.2. My father read the newspaper in the evening yesterday.3. They will arrive in Washington at 5 p.m. tomorrow.4. It often rains in this part of the world.5. Run downstairs. Your sister is waiting for you.6. Last year they went to the camp.7. She had been drawing for an hour already when her brother rang.8. By the end of the next year Dan will be living in their house for two years.9. He hasn't received any letters from her this week.10. They are waiting for you for half an hour.

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