Read and match. Match this conversation with the sentences below

bizet 10 ноября 2023

Read and match. Match this conversation with the sentences below. Write the numbers. Jake: Marty, I want to climb Black Crag. Marty: I want to go withyou. Jake: The mountain is difficult to climb. We need good equipment. Marty; We are good climbers. We can reach the summit easily. Jake: I hope so. 1. Jake said he hoped so. 2. Jake told Marty that he wanted to climb Black Crag. 3. Marty said that he wanted to go with him. 4. Jake said that the mountain was difficult to climb. He said they needed good equipment. 5. Marty said that they were good climbers. He told Jake they could reach the summit easily.

категория: английский язык


1 — 52 — 13 — 24 — 35 — 4…

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