Read the letter to Young Scientist magazine and write your answer…

raslic 22 сентября 2023

Read the letter to Young Scientist magazine and write your answer to it.♦Use the notes to help you. We know that the Pyramids of Ancient Egypt were built for the Egyptian pharaohs by armies of slaves. The Pyramids were built in such a way that they line up with certain starts and planets at certain times. It's really amazing! How did the slaves do it? Did they know about astronomy? Were they really humans? I'm sure the builders were aliens. The Ancient Egyptians described their life in hieroglyphs. But why don't we know when and how they built the Pyramids?

категория: английский язык


Lindsey thinks that.We know that the Pyramids of Ancient Egypt were built for the Egyptian pharaohs by armies of slaves.I don't think that… The Pyramids were built in such a way that they line up with certain starts and planets at certain times.

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