Read the sentences and react using: a) I am sure …

dima01100 25 сентября 2023

Read the sentences and react using: a) I am sure … ; b) I am afraid not … .Example: a) -Will he come tomorrow? — I am sure he will. He wants to talk to you. b) -Nina is eight, isn't she? -I am afraid not. She is 10,1) He lives in the quiet place, doesn't he? … .2) There is a fire in the corner of his sitting-room… 3) They've got a new black car … 4) There is a beautiful garden opposite their house… 5) In my kitchen the cooker is next to the sink…

категория: английский язык


Read the sentences and react using: 1) I am afraid not.He lives in the noisy town2) I am sure it is true. The fire is hot.3) I am afraid not.They hadn`t buy a car yet.4) I am sure it is true. This garden planted my neighbours.5) I am afraid not. My cooker isn`t there.6) I am sure it is true. This is my favourite lamp.

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