Read the text about two friends and write it as if it all were…

fonarik 19 октября 2023

Read the text about two friends and write it as if it all were yesterday: On Wednesday morning Peter gets up at half past seven. He leaves thehouse at eight. Then he meets his friend Andrew, joins him and they go to their Music class. By the way, they laugh a lot on the way to school. The boys sing their favourite songs too. They go home at half past twelve, have lunch and do their homework.

категория: английский язык


On Wednesday morning Peter got up at half past seven. He leftthe house at eight. Then he met his friend Andrew, joined him and they went to their Music class. By the way, they laughed a lot on the way toschool. The boys sang their favourite songs too. They went home at halfpast twelve, had lunch and did their homework.

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