Ребят помогите пожалуйста*напишите с этими словами предложение…

sklad4ik1 23 октября 2023

Ребят помогите пожалуйста*напишите с этими словами предложение в Present Pefect пассиф 1) threat2) society3) violence4) cruelty5) rude6) forget7) instead8) shame9) spy10) humuluate11) spoil12) interrupt

категория: английский язык


1.a lot of animals are under threat.2.i joined one of societies 3.violence is one of important problems nowadays4.cruelty in child-rearing leads to psychic trauma 5.being rude can cause different indignations6.you shouldn`t forget your relatives` dates of birth 7.you should study instead of playing games8.what a shame,everybody will remember it till the end of their lifes! 9.when i was little,i wanted to be a spy,like Angelina Joly10.you don`t have to humiliate your close people11.lack of education and knowledge can spoil your future12.we shouldn`t interrapt teachers,we should respect them

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