Ребят, помогите срочно-срочно) заранее спасибо) Put the verb…

asenty 17 ноября 2023

Ребят, помогите срочно-срочно) заранее спасибо) Put the verb in brackets into the correct form. 1. Most shops in Moscow (to close) ________________ at 6 p.m. 2. Ann always (to wear) _________________ expensive clothes. 3. My job is interesting. I always (to meet) ________ interesting people. 4. We (to like) ___________________________ sandwiches. 5. This pair of shoes is expensive. It (to cost) _____________ a lot of money. 6. These shoes are cheap. They (to cost) ______________ little money. 7. I never (to watch) ________________________ television. 8. Sometimes my younger brother (to read) __________ in bed. 9. What time (the bank/to close) _______________ in Britain? 10. I have a car but I (not/to use) __________________ it very often. 11. How many cigarettes (you/ to smoke) _____________ a day? 12. "What (you/to do) _______________? "-"I am an electrical engineer." 13. "Where (your father/to come) __________________from? "He (to come) ___________ from Scotland." 14. If you need money, why (you/not/to get) __________ a job?

категория: английский язык


1.close2.wears3.meet4.like5.costs6.cost7.watch8.reads9.what time does the bank close… 10. don't use11.do you smoke12.what do you do? 13. where does your father coe from? comes14.why don't you get

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