Refer the sentences to the past 1 My dad always answers…

getup2010 18 сентября 2023

Refer the sentences to the past 1 My dad always answers all my questions 2 Pam usually agrees with her brother whatever he says 3 Ben begins to do hismorning exercises at 7 o clock 4 He becomes stronger and stronger 5 Fred usually buys bread and milk,and his sister buys vegetables and fruit 6 Little Ann asks her parents a lot of questions 7 Mr smith usually comes home from his office at 7 o clock 8 She acts like a child!

категория: английский язык


Предложения надо было в прошедшеое время сделать? … 1.My dad always answered all my questions.2 Pam generally agreed with his brother in everything he says. 3 Ben started doing my exercises in the morning at 7:00 am He was 4 stronger and stronger 5 Fred used to buy bread and milk, and his sister bought fruit and vegetables 6 Little Ann asked her parents a lot of questions 7 Mr. Smith used to come home from his office at 7:00 on 8 she acted like a child!

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