Report what Marsy says about herself and her school life

mator 25 октября 2023

Report what Marsy says about herself and her school life. Use the in brackets in the correct form. Это надо написать в косвенной речи We all like our new teacher Miss Finney (to say) Miss Finney will no longer be our teacher in my shhol. (to be soory) My life is not easy. (to worry) My mother makes me go to ballet classes. (to be upset) I sing as badly as I dance. (to think)

категория: английский язык


Marcy says that they all like their new teacher Miss Finney.Marcy is sorry that Miss Finney will no longer be their teacher in her school.Marcy is worried that her life isn't easy.Marcy is upset that her mother makes her go to ballet classes.Marcy thinks she sings as badly as she dances.

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