Rewrite the sentences in the passive.…

lastwarrior 09 ноября 2023

Rewrite the sentences in the passive. 1. Someone stole my brothe's bike yesterday. 2. I made this soup with carrots and coriander. 3.Who is catering Pam's party? 4. They will have finished their house by May. 5. The police arrested the thieves. 6. Sam hates people telling him what to do. 7. Maria writes the 'Fifi Fairy' books. 8. Jack should make an apology.

категория: английский язык


1. My brothe's bike was stolen yesterday. 2. This soup was made with carrots and coriander. 3. Who is Pam's party catered by? 4.Their house will have been finished by May. 5.The thieves were arrested. 6.The people telling what to do are hated by Sam. 7.The 'Fifi Fairy' books are witten by Maria. 8. An apology should be made by Jack.

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