Rewrite the sentences in the passive.…

maclein 04 сентября 2023

Rewrite the sentences in the passive. Mr. Jones hates people giving him orders. Peoplehope that the President will take control of the situation. My mother decorated this room. What stung her? Has Jane read that book yet? We hope they will send us an invitation foe. They say that Richard has invited a lot of money.

категория: английский язык


Mr. Jones hates people giving him orders.People giving Mr. Jones orders are hated by him. People hope that the President will take control of the situation. The President is hoped to take control of the situation by people.My mother decorated the room. The room was decorated by my mother? Has Jane read that book yet? Has that book been read by Jane yet? We hope they will send us an invitation. They are hoped by us to send us an invitation. They say that Richard has invited a lot of money. Richard is said by them that he has invited a lot of money. I can't stand people laughing at me. People can't be stood by me to laugh at me? Who is repairing John's car? Whom is John's car being repaired by? Someone should tell Mary to stop being rude to people. Mary should be told by someone to stop being rude to people.

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