Say that the person in brackets shan`t (won`t) do the same

ova196118 23 ноября 2023

Say that the person in brackets shan`t (won`t) do the same. 4) Helen will put on her white dress for this party. (You) 5) Mary will sing at theconcert. (Children) 6) Ann`s parents will buy a new TV set this year. (Jack`s parents) 7) I shall play tennis after dinner. (Mary) 8) You will get up at 6 o`clock tomorrow. (Tom) 9) We shall go to the museum on our day off. (I) Помогите изменить предложения

категория: английский язык


4) You won't put on her white dress for thisparty. (You) 5) Children won't sing at the concert. (Children) 6) Jack`s parents won't buy a new TV set this year. (Jack`s parents) 7) Mary won't play tennisafter dinner. (Mary) 8) Tom won't get up at 6 o`clock tomorrow. (Tom) 9) Ishan't go to the museum on our day off. (I)

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