Синонимы к словам nice,fall, small,big,hard,too,tell,blossom

sq735 03 октября 2023

Синонимы к словам nice,fall, small,big,hard,too,tell,blossom.

категория: английский язык


Nice — admirable, attractive, charming, delightful, good, gracious, lovelyBig — huge, enormous, vast, bulky, colossal, commodious, fat, full, gigantic, massive, tremendousHard — firm, hardened, inflexible, iron, rocky, stiff, stony, strong, thick, toughToo — additionally, as well, besides, further, furthermore, in addition, into the bargain, likewise, more, moreoverTell — announce, break the news,explain, express, give facts,mention, reveal, say, speakBlossom — bloom, bud, posyFall — cut, decline, decrease,dive, downgrade, drop, spill, tumble Small — baby, limited, little, microscopic, mini, miniature, minute, narrow, poor, short, young

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