(Слова, которые надо вставить, внизу) He was …

systemdevil 24 ноября 2023

(Слова, которые надо вставить, внизу) He was … thought to be a great painter. The bird flew … in the sky. Our productsare … known.

категория: английский язык


He was rightly thought to be a great painter.The bird flew high in the sky.Our products are widely known.I can hardly hear the radio.I have to admit you were right about her.I thought mostly about the problem.The window was wide open.The bus arrived late.The weather report said that today will be nearly sunny.She has not called lately.He was wrongly considered a clever man.He speaks highly of his maths teacher.We are near there.I did it wrong again.We walked hard five miles on our hike.Which do you like most: ice cream or chocolate?

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