Сочинение «моя любимая профессия» (my favourite profession) наангл

eletcel 01 ноября 2023

Сочинение «моя любимая профессия» (my favourite profession) наангл. Не менее 20 предложений не из интернета… очень надо.HELP можно про любую

категория: английский язык


My favourite profession is doctor. I like it, because i love helping people, especially sick. I enjoy thinking that i can help them and make them feel better. Also the people i made feel much better will thank me, what is very pleasant for me. In europe it is very well paid. Sometimes im scared, because i afraid to do a mistake.Maybe one mistake will cause a death of a person, so i have to be very careful. There are different categories of doctors like surgeon or pediatrician. I want to be a pediatrician, because i dont know how to find an approach to them. I hope i will be able to become a doctor in the future, because it is a great and very helpful job.

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