Сочинение на англииском о кишиневе

mastersan 14 сентября 2023

Сочинение на англииском о кишиневе

категория: английский язык


Chisinau — the capital and largest city is Moldova. The economic and cultural center located in the heart of the country on the river Bic. Kishinev has a special status in the administrative division of Moldova — it is the municipality. In most of city of Chisinau, in the municipality of the same name includes 6 of the cities (Singera, Durlesti, Vatra, Codru Vadul-lui-Voda, Krikovo) and 25 settlements, united 13 communes (villages).Chisinau first mentioned in a document from 1436. Received city status in 1818, shortly after joining the Russian Empire, the status of the municipality — in 1995. The total population of the municipality at the beginning of in 2013 amounted to about 800,6 thousand.

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