Сочинение на английском на 20 предложений про «Свободное время моих…

sserjj 11 сентября 2023

Сочинение на английском на 20 предложений про «Свободное время моих одноклассников» .

категория: английский язык


My friends like to spend their time free from study in different ways. One of them goes to the swimming pool three times a week. My other friend likes to play guitar. He takes lessons every Thursday and Saturday . My third friend is a fan of computer games. All his free time he stays at the computer and takes different sorts of adventures in his imaginary world. I like playing computer games, too. But I prefer to go out skating. All my friend are busy with their hobbies. But they always find time for me, and they are always available for me. However, I like them nevertheless they like doing different things, things that differe from what I do.

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