Сочинения на тему можно ли найти друзей в интернете на английском

kostore07 08 ноября 2023

Сочинения на тему можно ли найти друзей в интернете на английском

категория: английский язык


First came the computer, and then the Internet. I mean — at home. And with it new opportunities. Were familiar to the internet — forums, websites, and blogs. Slowly become friends of "grow" friends. Not all of course, but one of those that "grown up", the friends were great! With some we do not even remember what motivated met, and it is not so important. The place of paper electronic mail came. While the geography of friends was available for human contact, we got to know and live from then on continued to communicate live. But I have one friend who lives too far away to be able to live like this just to talk — in California. We have known each other for 8 or 9 years old (he is counting, I only remember that the countdown is on October ^ ^). And — it is terrible to even imagine — all 8 (or 9) years, we have tirelessly writing letters to each other (electronic) , and occasionally send each other something normal mail — cards and gifts. During this time we have repeatedly tried to meet, but it does not work.

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