Сorrect one mistake in eash sentence 1) autumn comes after winter…

show_crazy 08 октября 2023

Сorrect one mistake in eash sentence 1) autumn comes after winter 2) september october and february are autumn months 3) there are no leaves on thetrees in july 4) in winter the weather is very hot 5) children have snowbaalls fights in suummer 6) the nightsare short in winter 7) it snows often in june 8) children have summer holidays in desember 9) the leaves are green in winter 10) people wear coats and hats in august пожалуйста помогите сделать задание

категория: английский язык


1. autumn comes after summer2. september october and november are autumn months3. there are leaves on the trees in july 4. in winter the weather is very cold5. children have snowbaalls fights in winter6. the nights are short in summer7. it snows often in January8. children have summer holidays in summer9. the leaves are green in summer10. people wear coats and hats in winterЛегко

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