Составить диалог о себе, семье, увлечениях на 2 страницы

nook_ok 12 октября 2023

Составить диалог о себе, семье, увлечениях на 2 страницы

категория: английский язык


- Is your familylarge? — My familyisn't large. Besides my parents I have an elder sister whose name is Irina.- How old isyour sister? — She is 19 andshe is a student of the institute. — Tell me a fewwords about yoursister/- She canplay the piano very well but she can'tspeak English as her friend can.- How old areyou? — I am Masha. Iam 13 and I am a student of the secondary school. I am not very tall but I amnot short either.- What dod youlike to do? — I like skating and reading. But I can't play chess as my father can.- What is yourmother’s name? — My mother'sname is Inna Vasilievna. She is 39 and she is a nurse in our hospital. Mymother is very pretty and kind. — What does shelike to do in her free time? — She candraw very well but she can'tplay the piano as my Granny and my older sister. — What is yourfather’s name? — My father'sname is Ivan Petrovich. He is 42 and he is a driver in the same hospital. Myfather is very strong and strict. — What does she like to do in her free time? — He likesto play chess but he can't draw as well as our mother can. – What ‘s about your granny? — Our grannydoesn't live with us, but she lives not far from our house so I often come to see her on Sundays.- Are you aclose family? — We are afriendly family and we try to get along with each other and try to discuss our problems andto solve them together.

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