Составить не большой рассказ в Past Simple…

che_ig 09 октября 2023

Составить не большой рассказ в Past Simple, используя следующие слова и выражения: Warm; dusty; heat; oppressive; to do bathing; to lie in the sun; rainy; cloudy; to rain; thunderstorm; lightning; thunder; to get ripe; to clear up; early vegetables; to do gardening; to pick flowers; to gather berries and mushrooms. Помогите пожалуйста

категория: английский язык


When I was younger I spent all holidays with my granny. I liked to visit her village especially in summer. There were a lot of children there and we gathered berries and mushrooms, picked flowers together. Of course. I helped my granny: I did gardening to get ripe early vegetables. One day the weather was very warm even hot. We couldn*t play in the field because of an oppressive heat and dusty grass. We decided to go to the river to do bathing. When we were lying in the sun it began to rain. The weather changed quickly: it became rainy and cloudy. We heard a loud thunder.It was a real thunderstorm with lightning. We were afraid because there was no shelter for us there. We had to stay under a tree that was very dangerous. Soon the sky cleared up and we ran home

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