Составить новые слова из слова CONCLUSION

que_agita 07 сентября 2023

Составить новые слова из слова CONCLUSION

категория: английский язык


Son, Cool, Lon, Luc.

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07 сентября 2023
ПОЖАЛУЙСТА! ОТ ЭТОГО ЗАВИСИТ МОЯ ЧЕТВЕРТНАЯ ОЦЕНКА! ПОЖАЛУЙСТА! 37 БАЛЛОВ! 1 Past Simple and Present PerfectVariant2Choose the present perfect or past simple: 1. I ___________________ (never / go) to Vienna.2. My great-great-grandfather ___________________ (have) five sisters.3. He ___________________ (live) in Manila for a year when he was a student.4. Oh no! I ___________________ (lose) my wallet! 5. ___________________ (you / see) Julie today? 6. At the weekend, they ___________________ (play) football, then they___________________ (go) to a restaurant.7. I ___________________ (read) six books this week.8. Amy ___________________ (live) in Portugal when she was young.9. She ___________________ (visit) her grandmother last month.10. The Vandals ___________________ (invade) Rome in the year 455,11. She ___________________ (live) in seven different countries, so she knows alot about different cultures.12. I ___________________ (go) to the cinema last night.13. Ow! I ___________________ (cut) my finger! 14. ___________________ (you / see) ‘The King’s Speech’? 15. John ___________________ (never / understand) the present perfect.16. She ___________________ (break) her leg the day before her exam.17. We ___________________ (see) Oliver yesterday.18. He ___________________ (be) here all morning.19. They ___________________ (live) here for many years (and they still do).20. King Henry the Eighth of England ___________________ (have) six wives.

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