Составить предложения: 1. never/early/Paul/wakes…

shikoff 09 сентября 2023

Составить предложения: 1. never/early/Paul/wakes up 2. we/go/on picnics/sometimes/in the summer 3. you/practise/do/the violin/everyday?

категория: английский язык


1.Paul never wakes up early.2.Sometimes in summer we go on picnics.3.Do you practise the violin every day? 4.Does Bob takes the dog for a walk every night? 5.I rarely read comc books.6.They often drive to the seashore during the weekend

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Другие вопросы по английскому языку
09 сентября 2023
09 сентября 2023
I first picked up a racquet at the age of seven. Then in my teens, I had to make the choice between tennis and badminton because I loved both sports.Eventually, I chose badminton and I don't regret taking it up. Four to five million people throughout Hungary play badminton — that's more than the number of those who play tennis and golf put together! You have to work hard to be good at it. I train every day of the week, and holidays are very rare for me. I do fitness training in the gym, as well as practise a lot to improve my speed. And then of course, there are tournaments to take part in nearly every weekend. So I have to travel all over the country and abroad. I always keep my suitcase packed for the trip. My ambition is to represent Hungary in the Olympics. I think badminton is the best pastime. It is easy to pick up, it's cheap to play, there's no expensive equipment needed, and it's not affected by the weather — like so many other sports. I also enjoy lots of other things. I like going to discos, nightclubbing, or listening to music — Madonna is my favourite at the moment. Answer the questions about Steven.1. What is his/her hobby? 2 Why did he/she get into it? 3. Does it take up all his/her spare time? Is it easy to practise? 4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each hobby? 5. Does he/she enjoy it? Why? 6. What other things does he/she enjoy? Прочитайте текст и дайте развернутый ответ на вопрос (не по слову и по английски).

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