Составить предложения со словами: 1. behavior 2.connection…

million 10 сентября 2023

Составить предложения со словами: 1. behavior 2.connection 3.devolop 4.reasoning 4.judgement 5.clumsy 6.psychiatrist 7.brain 8.control 9.brainy 10.to seem11. to include

категория: английский язык


You need to know some rules behaviour in office.This tall tree developed from a small seed. There is no connection between the two phenomena.Her reasoning that the crime had been committed in other place proved to be trueHer judgement is very stupid.At least this mix of prejudice, clumsy talk and drollery forces open the debate.Omar is a very good psychiatrist.The power of thinking depends upon the brain.He was in full control of the situation.The lady has to be brainy.That seems easy to you.Included among the guests were a number of famous musicians.

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