Составить вопросы разных типов по тексту

mister 07 ноября 2023

Составить вопросы разных типов по тексту. (максимум 20=) From the earliest times, men have observed most striking changes that takeplace in nature and have made accidental discoveries of great value. Many of the substances used today, which are prepared by chemical methods, were known to the ancients, but there are no historical records of their discovery. Glass, for example, has been known for over 3,000 years. Soap was also made in the earliest times.

категория: английский язык


1.When did men observe most striking changes? 2.What was the value of this changes? 3.What kind of substances did ancients know? 4.Directed experimentation appeared with the rise of alchemy, didn't they? 5.What did alchemists look for? 6.Did they want to change common metals into gold or into silver? 7.The misterious substance was called philosopher’s stone, wasn't it? 8. Was the gold the main value? 9. which elixir could bring back youth? 10. What was results of alchemists' experiments? 11. Why alchemists could not lead to the development of a science? 12. When was chemistry born as a science?

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