Составьте 15 предложений с Present Simple!

surfer2013 27 сентября 2023

Составьте 15 предложений с Present Simple! *) 5 утвердительных, 5 вопросительных, 5 отрицательных! *)

категория: английский язык


1. I go to school every day.2. My mother always cooks dinner for the whole family.3. My brother likes to read a historical books. 4. She prefers to drink coffee.5. My father often helps me with my homework. 1. Do you like to listen to the music? 2. Do you help your little sister with her homework? 3. Does he visit his grandmother in the summer? 4. Does your mother work at school? 5. Do they play football at school? 1. My sister doesn't like to read at all.2. My mother doesn't allow me to watch TV late at night.3. We don't go out with our friends very often.4. My grandmother doesn't like my best friend.5. I don't go to school on Sundays.

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