Составьте текс. Sport is very useful but… On the one hand…

danger 28 сентября 2023

Составьте текс. Sport is very useful but… On the one hand… On the other hand… I think… I don't think doing sport is… Sport… But… Ithink…

категория: английский язык


Sport is very useful but it it also very harmful. On the one hand sport helps people to keep fit. Sport is also the best way to health. On the other hand sport takes too much time and people can get a lot of injuries. I think that sport is very important in people`s life and I like it much. I don't think doing sport is not necessory. Sport helps to understand the life better. I think that it prevents young people from using cigarettes, alcohol and even drugs. But not everyone realizes this fact and chooses the another way of life…

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