alex141 30 июля 2024

СРОЧНО РЕБЯТ ПОМОГИТЕ! Как сказать по английски: 1) от того как я буду учиться зависит моя будущая жизнь. 2) В песне менябольше привлекает музыка чем слова. Слушая иностранные песни я не понимаю слов, и музыка в песне для меня играет большую роль.

категория: английский язык


1.on how I'm going to learn my future life depends.2.In the song, I was more attracted by the music than words. Listening to foreign songs, I do not understand the words and the music of the song for me is very important.3) at the moment I focus on learning4) I can not be responsible for their actions and understand their actions

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Другие вопросы по английскому языку
30 июля 2024
Нужно составить по одному вопросу каждого типа, к любому из предложений из текста (желательно с переводом): 1. Общий вопрос 2. Специальный вопрос 3. Альтернативный вопрос 4. Разделительный вопрос 5. Вопрос к подлежащему the last inch (by James aldridge , adapted) It wasn't easy for Ben, a pilot of forty-three, to find a flying job. That's why it was a stroke of luck when he was offered a job by the Commercial Television Stock Company. They paid a thousand dollars for every five hundred feet of shark film. Ben used a light plane to get to a little desert island in the Red Sea where the water along the coast was always filled with good-sized sharks. Ben took his ten-year-old son Davy with him. He was a shy quiet boy who had never been particularly loved by his parents. While filming the sharks, Ben was attacked by a huge tiger shark. He was lucky to get out of the water, but his body was a bleeding mess. He couldn't feel his arms or his feet. He had lost a lot of blood and was in and out of consciousness. The boy had to either fly the plane or die from thirst and the hot sun on the island where nobody would ever find them. Only once had Ben shown the boy how to fly a plane. He also explained that it was the last inch above the ground that mattered if the plane was going to crash while landing or not. What finally awoke Ben was the engine coughing. "Please wake up! " shouted Davy. "What's the matter? "Push the lever forward," whispered Ben. Davy couldn't have known about the lever and now Ben wasn't able to point to it. But the boy saw the direction of his father's eyes in time and the engine took up again. "What direction do I take? " Davy cried again. "You're not telling me how to get the right direction."Follow the coast. Keep it on your right. And for God's sake, don't do anything else. It'll be all right, Davy… " Ben could see the sharp profile or Davy's pale face with his dark eyes. The boy had remembered how to level off and. At three thousand feet, on his own, Davy did not think he could ever cry again. He had run out of tears. He had boasted only once in his ten years of life that his father was a pilot. He had remembered everything his father had told him about flying, but he had guessed a lot more that his father had not told him. Now Davy couldn't even look at his father because he was horribly covered in blood. He didn't want his father to die, but he knew that it was now a possibility. People did die. The tears that Davy thought had dried up in him were now in his dark eyes, and he felt them running down his cheeks. Ben felt a sharp pain and opened his eyes. "Davy! What's happened? What are you doing! " he managed to shout. "We are almost there. I can see the buildings of Cairo," Davy said. "But the plane doesn't want to go down."Cut your engine… ."I did, but it doesn't seem to make a difference."Use the tail lever," Ben said, and the plane put its nose down into a dive. "Cut your engine! " Ben shouted again. He knew that getting a plane off the ground and flying it was easy but getting it down was another thing. The wind was blowing them back up. They lost air speed now because the nose was up. If the engine stopped at this height in this wind, they'd crash into a thousand pieces… They were approaching the airfield and the dust was like a yellow sea over the land. But then Ben saw the plane. "Look out! You'll hit that plane," Ben yelled. Ben could see a big four-engined plane that was taking off. If it was only taking off and not testing its motors, they'd be all right. Ben closed his eyes and when he, opened them again, the big plane was directly in their path but moving so quickly that they were going to miss it. Now the yellow dust was just below them. "Six inches," Ben cried to Davy painfully. "Six inches, Davy… Wait! Not yet! Not yet…! " he cried. It was when they reached the last inch from the ground that Ben lost his nerve at last. He was trying to shout, "Now! Now! Now! " but fainted again. He hardly felt it when the plane's wheels hit the ground. When the plane's tail finally touched down, Ben knew it was the last inch of it. The plane moved uncontrollably for a while and when at last it stopped dead, he heard only silence and thought that it wasn't time to give in yet. Спасибо за помощь!
30 июля 2024
Перевести текст с русского на английский! ПРАВИЛЬНО! Мой обычный день. Мое утро начинается с 6-00. Я встаю. Умываюсь. Делаю зарядку. После зарядки я идузавтракать. Завтракаю я обычно бутербродом с чаем, когда я позавтракала я иду чистить зубы. Когда я почистила зубы, я заплетаю себе хвостик, одеваюсь и иду в лицей. В лицее занятия начинаются с 8,00, поэтому я выхожу на улицу уже в 7,15. Когда я приезжаю в лицей, у меня остается свободное время, до начала урока, чтобы пообщаться с друзьями и приготовиться к уроку. В лицее у меня есть подружка Яна. На переменах мы с ней проверяем домашнее задание или просто общаемся. В 14,45 у меня кончаются занятия, и я иду к бабушке. У бабушки я 30 минут отдыхаю, кушаю и в 16,00 начинаю делать уроки. Бабушка всегда мне помогает с выполнением домашнего задания. В 17,00 я заканчиваю делать уроки и уезжаю домой. В 17,30 я нахожусь уже дома. Дома, как я прихожу, собираю портфель на завтра и переодеваюсь. Минут 30 я отдыхаю, после чего иду в музыкальную школу. В музыкальной школе я нахожусь 2 часа и изучаю ноты. В 20,30 я ухожу домой. Придя домой, в 20,50 я переодеваюсь в домашнюю одежду, ужинаю и смотрю вместе с мамой сериал. В 22,00 я чищу зубы и ложусь спать.

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