Study the examples, then write 'say' or 'tell' in the blanks…

vasilena004 23 ноября 2023

Study the examples, then write 'say' or 'tell' in the blanks to complete the sentences below. "I have my lunch at school," he said. He said (that) he had his lunch at school. He said to Sally (that) he had his lunch at school. He told Sally (that) he had his lunch at school. 1. Jane … (that) she wanted to learn how to use reported speech. 2. Mary … us (that) she had done her homework already. 3. She … to Tom (that) she was going to join the judo club at school. 4. Lucy … me (that) she couldn't come to the party. 5. Our teacher… (that) he wasn't going to give us any homework for Monday. 6. They … us (that) the pupils got a lot of work to do. 7. Suzan … (that) she hadn't visited her granny yet. 8. Nobody … me (that) I had to do this.

категория: английский язык


1. said2. told3. said4. told5. said6. told7. said8. told

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