Task 4There are 10 phrases, taken from formal and informal letters

wwddx 13 октября 2023

Task 4There are 10 phrases, taken from formal and informal letters. Find pairs of phrases which have a similar meaning. You should have five pairs. Then put the phrases in the table. informal formal 26 27 28 29 30 a) drop us a line soonb) I am not at all bad atc) I feel I am well-suited to this positiond) I have a good standard ofe) I look forward to hearing from you.f) I quite fancy doing the jobg) I would like to apply for the post.h) my previous experience includesi) over the years, I have also j) the job looks just right for me

категория: английский язык


a) dropus a line soon- (informal) e) I look forward to hearing from you. (formal) b) I am not at all bad at- (informal) d) I have agood standard of (formal) c) I feel I am well-suited to thisposition- (formal) j) the job looks just right for me (informal) g) I would like to apply for the post. (formal) -f) Iquite fancy doing the job (informal) h) my previous experience includes (formal) -i) overthe years, I have also (informal)

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