Текст: After lunch Claire said, «I want to go for awalk

sanek 20 ноября 2023

Текст: After lunch Claire said, «I want to go for awalk.» «Don’t get lost,» Aunt Mm told her. There was a cold wind, and it got colder when she came to the castle field. But it was a nice, sunny afternoon— an afternoon to laugh at stories aboutghosts, she thought.Claire moved across and up the field quickly. Soon she was near the dark towers. There was no sun here and it was very cold. It was quiet. There were nosounds of birds or animals. She went over to the tallest tower — the Black Tower, the boy called it. Did the woman die here? There was a door at the bottom. Inside, stone stairs went up to the top. Suddenly Claire was afraid. «» Why am I afraid? » she thought. «Ghosts? » Then she heard a sound. She thought it was a bird and looked up quickly… and a big stone fell from the top of the tower…

категория: английский язык


castle field,a nice, sunny afternoon,the field,about ghosts,tower,no sun here,near the dark towers,I saw a door,stairs, a sound , a big stone , top,bird

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