Тема: Условное наклонение complete the sentences

oleg46 11 октября 2023

Тема: Условное наклонение complete the sentences. 1) i don't know the answer. if i knew the answer, i'd tell you.2) I have a car. I couldn/t travel very much if i didn't have a car.

категория: английский язык


1) i don't know the answer. if i knew the answer, i'd tell you.2) I have a car. I couldn/t travel very much if i didn't have a car.3) I don.t want to go out. If i would want to go out, i'd go.4) We haven'tgot a key. If we had a key, we could get into the house.5) I'm not hungry. I would have something to eat if i would be hungry.6) Sue enjoys her work. she wouldn't do it if she enjoyed it.7) You can't drive. If you could drive, I would lend you my car.8) He speaks too fast. I could understand him better if the spoke more slowly.9) I have a lot to do today. if i hadn*so much to do, we could go out.

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