That year the winter in Chicago (to be) very…

kesson 08 октября 2023

That year the winter in Chicago (to be) very bad. One morning when railway workers (to come) to the station they (to see) a lot of snow that (to fall) thenight before. The workers (not to know) what to do with it. They (not to see) so much snow. They (can) not leave the snow on the platforms because it (to be) dangerous for passengers. Suddenly, one of the workers (to have) a wonderful idea. The workers (to put) the snow on the freight train and (to send) it south to Texas. The workers (to think) that the snow (to melt) away on the way. The next day five tons of snow (to arrive) in Oklahoma City. The railway workers in Oklahoma City (to be) very happy when they (to see) what Chicago workers (to send) them. "It's a wonderful present," they said and (to put) the snow on the children’s playground. Some of the children Oklahoma City never (to see) snow before!

категория: английский язык


That year the winter in Chicago was very bad. One morning when railway workers came to the station they saw a lot of snow that had fallen the night before. The workers didn't know what to do with it. They haven't seen so much snow. They could not leave the snow on the platforms because it was dangerous for passengers. Suddenly, one of the workers had a wonderful idea. The workers put the snow on the freight train and sent it south to Texas. The workers thought that the snow would melt away on the way. The next day five tons of snow arrived in Oklahoma City. The railway workers in Oklahoma City were very happy when they saw what Chicago workers had sent them. "It's a wonderful present," they said and put the snow on the children’s playground. Some of the children Oklahoma City have never seen snow before!

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