The Pied Piper went up and up towards the mountain

andrey03 19 сентября 2023

The Pied Piper went up and up towards the mountain. The boys and girls B13._________ (LAUGHTER) , danced and sang as they ran after him. The sound ofmusic made them feel very B14.________ (HAPPINESS). At the top of the mountain there was a B15.__________ (HUGENESS) rock with a big door in the centre. The door opened and a B16.________ (GOLD) light came out. Through the door, on the other side of the mountain, the B17.__________ (CHILD) caught sight of a magic country. They went through the door and disappeared for ever. The story may reflect a B18._________ (HISTORY) event.

категория: английский язык


13) laughed14) happy15) huge16) golden17) children18) historical

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