the way treat yourself sets the stahdart for others помогите…

nosir 12 октября 2023

the way treat yourself sets the stahdart for others помогите с сочинением плиз… . Нужносрочно…

категория: английский язык


The way you treat yourself is the way others will also treat you. It sets standards for the treatment you will receive from others. We are like a mirror, and how we react and act is the way others will too. We must be kind to others, and be understanding and positive. Only then can we expect good reactions from our friends or relatives. For example, a pessimistic person never gets good replies from people around him. But a positive person gets it most of the time, if not all the time. So, in conclusion, we must act the way we expect others to act to us. This we can be sure of.

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