Твир мий найкращий друг помогите пожалуста очень нада!

umnichka 11 августа 2024

Твир мий найкращий друг помогите пожалуста очень нада!

категория: английский язык


"My best friend"I have many friends and acquaintances. But myy friend among them is the best friend. We live with him in the same court, and learn to one class. Unfortunately, we shared the same desk with my friend is sitting on. Teachers do not allow that to us, lest we not distract each other in class.In my friend's dark hair, gray eyes. It is slightly lower than the growth and Leaner carcases me, although we had peers. But my friend has strong hands and, in general, does not complain on the strength and shape.We are friends with him, befriends many rokyv. Together we play football and basketball. Cycling on the river and even IPB there. Also my friend comes to me playing computer games because computer at his home there. Here Our tastes differ. Myy boyfriend loves to play virtual racing and I like games-trip. But it does not hinder our friendship.Wine and good gay guy, lively and cheerful. He may at any time improve the people around him cheer his smile or a joke. My friend also likes to tell jokes and funny stories. My friend is a good friend, not only in games but also in trouble. In this work a real friend I decided to write it about my friend, and not someone else. After all, this guy always helps me not only when I ask. Often my friend he sees that I myself can not cope with anything. Then he rushes to help or give useful advice. ПЕРЕКЛАД: “Мій найкращий друг” Я маю багато друзів та приятелів. Але мий друг серед них є найкращим другом. Ми живемо з ним в одному дворі та навчаємося в одному класі. На жаль, за однією партою ми з моїм другом не сидимо. Вчителі не дозволяють нам цього, щоб ми не не відволікали один одного на уроках. У мого друга темне волосся, сірі очі. Він дещо нижчий від мене зростом та худіший, хоча ми з ним однолітки. Проте мій друг має міцні руки та, взагалі, не скаржиться на силу та на спортивну форму. Ми дружимо з ним дружемо багато рокив. Разом ми граємо у футбол та баскетбол. Їздимо на велосипедах на річку та навіть рибалимо там. Також мій друг приходить до мене грати в комп'ютерні ігри, тому що у нього вдома комп'ютера немає. Тут наши смаки різняться. Мий друг любить грати у віртуальні гонки, а мені до вподоби ігри-мандрівки. Але це не стає на заваді нашій дружбі. Вин добрий та веселий хлопець, жвавий та бадьорий. Він будь-коли може поліпшити оточуючим його людям настрій своєю посмішкою чи жартами. Мій друг також любить розповідати анекдоти та смішні історії. Мій друг залишається добрим другом не лише в іграх, але й у біді. Через це твір про справжнього друга я вирішив написати саме про мого друга, а не про когось іншого. Адже саме цей хлопець завжди допомагає мені, і не тільки тоді, коли я прошу. Часто мій друг сам бачить, що я сам не можу впоратися з чимось. Тоді він сам спішить допомогти або дати корисну пораду.

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11 августа 2024
1. My daughter Mary (not/ like) apples, but she likes oranges. A not likes B don’t like C doesn’t like 2. … money do you want? A How much B How many CWhich 3. Granny is in the kitchen. She (make) a plum cake. A is making B is make C makes 4. I’m sure we (enjoy) our visit to the Zoo. A will enjoy B shall enjoy C are going to enjoy 5. When I (arrive) in Manchester next week, I (phone) you. A will arrive, will phone B will arrive, phone C arrive, will phone 6. When Jill (finish) school? A When had Jill finished B When has Jill finished C When did Jill finish 7. We (not/ see) Peter this week, but we (see) him a couple of weeks ago. A didn’t see A saw B haven’t saw B have saw C haven’t seen C have seen 8. I haven’t spoken to Mary … Christmas. A for B since C ago 9. While my son (wait) for my call, somebody knocked at the door. A waited B was waiting C was waited 10. You (write) this composition for two hours and can’t complete it. A wrote B have written C have been writing 11. That morning she went out after she (phone) somebody. A phoned B had phoned C has phoned 12. By the time they come I (go). A will go B will be going C will have gone 13. Teddy’s words made me (feel) uncomfortable. A to feel B feeling C feel 14. You look tired. If I (be) you, I (take) a holiday. A be D will take B were E would take C have been F take 15. All parts of London seem … to different towns and epochs. A to belong B belonging C belong 16. You will … speak Spanish in another few months. A can B have C be able to 17. To my mind, the government … take care of old people. A ought B neeed to C must 18. Look! The bridge (repair). A is being repaired B is been repaired C has been repaired 19. Dad phoned us and asked if our luggage (already/ pack). A was already being packed B had already been packed C was packed 20. I knew that mercury (be) the closest planet to the sun, but I didn’t feel like answering the question. A was B is C had been 21. We didn’t know the score, but we were sure their team (lose) the game. A has lost B had lost C lost 22. We haven’t got much time, …? A … , do we? B … , don’t we? C … , haven’t we? 23. We had a wonderful holiday in France. I wish we (go) there again next summer. A will go B go C went 24. I’d like to have … hamburger for … breakfast. A the A — B — B a C a C the 25. … earth goes round … sun. A the A — B — B a C an C the 26. … Urals are old and not very high. A the B — C a 27. I met my (good) friend yesterday. A goodest B better C best 28. The problem was (serious) we expected. A seriouser than B more serious than C so serious 29. Money … not everything. A is B be C are 30. Last Sunday we went fishing, but we didn’t catch a lot of … A fish B fishes C fishs 31. Mother … me to go shopping. A said B told C talked 32. He explained them … he was speaking about. A what B than C that 33. I like to watch the planes … A take off B to take off C to be taking off 34. This isn’t my text-book, … is at home. A my B mine C me 35. John asked if … A I had been there before B I was there before C had I been there before 36. Tom said, “Jerry has been my best friend since our early childhood.” A tom told Jerry that he had been his best friend since their early childhood. B Tom said that Jerry has been my best friend since our early childhood. C Tom said that jerry had been his best friend since their early childhood. 37. “Where is the nearest bus stop? ” the old man addressed a policeman. A The old man asked where was the nearest bus stop. B the old man asked a policeman where the nearest bus stop was. C The old man told a policeman where the nearest bus stop was. 38. doing – men – what – those – are? A What are those man doing? B what are you doing those man? C What those man are doing? 39. the news – yesterday – saw – television — I – on A I yesterday saw the news on television. B I saw on television the news yesterday. C Yesterday I saw the news on television. 40. round – at – table – wooden – they – a – large – sat A They sat at a large wooden round table. B They sat at a round large wooden table. C They sat at a large round wooden table. 41. We didn’t want his speech to be interrupted. A Мы не хотели прерывать его речь. B Мы не хотели, чтобы он прерывал нас своей речью. C Он не хотел прерывать нас своей речью. 42. He is likely to come on Sunday. A Он любит приходить в воскресенью. B Он обычно приходит в воскресенье. C Вероятно, он придет в воскресенье. 43. He used to be good at mathematics. A Он хорошо знает математику. B Когда-то он хорошо знал математику. C Он хорошо использовал знание математики. 44. She had a good practical knowledge of French having worked as an interpreter for many years in France. A Она хорошо преподавала французский после того, как много лет проработала переводчиком во Франции. B Она много лет учила французский для того, чтобы работать переводчиком во Франции. C Она приобрела хорошие практические знания французского, когда много лет работала переводчиком во Франции. 45. Something must have happened. He had to come at seven. A Должно быть что-то произошло. Он должен был прийти в семь. B Что-то должно произойти. Он пришел в семь. C Нужно его обрадовать. Он придет в семь. 46. I will come to your place with pleasure unless nothing prevents me. A Я приду к вам с удовольствием, если ничто не помешает. B Я приду к вам с удовольствием, и ничто мне не помешает. C Я бы пришел к вам с удовольствием, но у меня есть дела. 47. He is twice as old as she is. A Она в два раза старше его. B Он в два раза старше ее. C Он несомненно такого же возраста как и она. 48. No sooner had he arrived home than he fell ill. A Он еще не вскоре приедет потому, что заболел. B Он уже приехал, но сейчас он болеет. C Не успел он приехать домой, как заболел. 49. I wonder if he has seen this movie before. A Здорово, что он посмотрел этот фильм. B Интересно, он смотрел когда-нибудь этот фильм. C Я удивился, что он посмотрел этот фильм. 50. John is said to have written a new book. A Говорят, что Джон написал новую книгу. B Джон сказал, что написал новую книгу. C Джона попросили написать новую книгу.

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