Твір з англійської My old friend

tersen 13 сентября 2023

Твір з англійської My old friend

категория: английский язык


My old friendSince this essay is supposed to be dedicated to an old friend, i would like to tell you about a literally old friend of mine. Though I am young, and he is like 50 years older than me, we have been able to make good friends. He always helps me with my homework when I request it from him. And I always do. Even now I did. I mean I asked him to help me to help with the exact essay, so it is he who is writting it, not me. I'm just kidding, do not take it seriously. But it is really exciting to have a mature friend. I mean I get experience everytime I talk to him. He have had an interesting life and he has a lot to share. What is more, I'm positive that we have really a lot in common. We like the same movies, the same music, and we see the world in the same way. So the real point of my essay is that the generation gap is not always a hurdle for friendship. Friendship is a matter of soul unity.

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13 сентября 2023
Переведите пожалуйста! I've been In Almaty for nearly two weeks now-it's a big city in the south of Kazakhstan. I'm having a wonderful time. Last week, iexplored the city with my Kazakhstani friend, Dariga. We stareted in Republic Square and saw the independence Monument with the statue of the " Golden man" on the top. Then we went to Panfilov Park and visited the beautiful cathedral. It was built in 1907 and, apparently, it's the second tallest wooden building in the world. That evening we went back to Republic Square to see Firework display. The next day we went to the museum of a famous writer, Mukhtar Auezov. I learned about one of his play, Enlik and Kebek. It's a bit like the English play Romeo and Juliet Wiliam Shakespeare. A boy and girl From two different tribes fell in love, but their families didn't want them to be together, because the two tribes were enemies. So Enlik and Kebek ran away and lived in the mountains. Unfortunately, their families foun them — very sad, but very romantic, I suppose! Dariga has taken me top lots of different restaurants. My favourit food here is plov (a rice , vegetable and lamd dish) and i also love sansas with fruit, honey and nuts-delicious! Dariga speaks Kazakh and Russian and English, of course. There are a lot of different nationalities living in Almaty. I've practised my German and French here too. Yesterday, a Kazakh guide took us into the mountains. We went fora long walk through the forests with beautiful views of the snow on the top of the mountains. This evening we're going to the Arasan Baths. It'll be the perfect way to relax after all this sightseeing. i can't wait to see you and show you all the photos. Заранее огромное спасибо!

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