У меня проблемы с английским…

mtv100 19 ноября 2023

У меня проблемы с английским, напишите пожалуйста сочинение на тему: "School in My Life" 12-15 предложений) В задании сказано сочинять по этим вопросам: 1. Can you say that school is your second home? Give your reasons. 2. What does school give to you? 3. Do you have a favourite teacher? 4. What is an ideal teacher (pupil) , in your opinion? 5. Why do some students hate school? What does it depend on? 6. What is your idea of a modern school? 7. Give your own idea of the school in future. Заранее огромное спасибо*(

категория: английский язык


My school is my second home. It is a fact. I spend a lot of time there. The school gives a great experience to me. New knowledge, best friends, interesting lessons. And of course good teachers.I love all my teachers, but most of all I like my teachers of English and history. I think that an ideal pupil is a person who is smart, has a lot of interests, and who is hard-working.Some students hate school. It is true. I don*t know why, but I think that they are very lazy. They only like watching TV, and maybe some of them don*t like to get up early. My school is very comfortable, but not modern. Firstly it doesn*t have a computer class. Secondly the building is rather old, too. I am sure that in future all schools will be modern, comfortable, large, with laboratories for different scientific experiences and with their own gardens.

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